Term 4 Enrolments Open Now

Enrol via App (iPhone)

Enrol via App (Android)

Already have an account? Login now to select your classes.

Enrol via App (iPhone)

Enrol via App (Android)


1. Download or open the TDC app and select My Account
Select First Time Student Registration and submit form
Return to My Account and select Find Classes - filter by level, style, day, age etc
Select class and Add to Cart, tick the name of the student and select Add
Select Continue Shopping or Check Out Now
Select top right menu and select Billing & Payments
Select Pay Now to pay immediately or Saved Payment Methods to check/add methods of payment.

Once payment is made, your enrolment is confirmed.


1  Visit New Dancers
Submit form and select Go to Parent Portal and login using your email address and chosen password.
Select Find Classes - filter by level, style, day, age etc
Select class and Add to Cart, tick the name of the student and select Add
Select Continue Shopping or Check Out Now
Select top right menu and select Billing & Payments
Select Pay Now to pay immediately or Saved Payment Methods to check/add methods of payment.

Once payment is made, your enrolment is confirmed.



Not sure which class to take?  Trials are a great way to try out different styles and levels to see what's right for you!

Book a $10 trial below.  Once we receive your form and payment, our team will book you in to confirm your spot and you will receive a trial booking confirmation via email.

*All trials are subject to availability.  If you have booked a trial in a full class, you may transfer your trial to another class or receive a full refund.

Trial Class


Pay now
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